Used 2013 MAZDA BT-50 XT UP for Sale

2013 MAZDA BT-50 XT
2013 MAZDA BT-50 XT
Ex. Govt. Charges
Summary:Used 2013 MAZDA BT-50 XT for Sale in Orange Central West, NSW
Location:Central West Orange, NSW
Registration Expiry:April/2025
Type:Car Dealer
Motor Dealer Licence:030159
Updated:30th Mar 25 2:06 pm
Car Make MAZDA
Car Model BT-50
Car Sub Model XT
Car Series UP
Car Body Style C/CHAS
Car Body Colour White
Odometer 89323
Car Engine CC 3198
Car Transmission Type 6 SP MANUAL
VIN MM0UP0YF100199387
Registration CSF27C
Cylinders 5

Vehicle Enquiry

02 6323 1144
* All fields compulsory

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Countrycars strongly recommends that buyers do all due diligence including inspection, testing, obtaining expert's reports, reference checks and of-course, a REVS check (REVS can be reached on 133 220)

* Pricing applicable for location listed above unless otherwise indicated, Price may not include government charges, Please check with the Seller to confirm if any additional fees or charges apply